Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in San Antonio

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Contacts Are More than an Alternative to Your Frames

Contact lenses can offer a broader, more natural field of vision than glasses. But they’re not just an alternative to eye-catching frames. Contact lenses are a lifestyle choice that gives you the freedom to fully enjoy your surroundings.

You can wear contact lenses daily or only for special occasions. Whether planning an active day outdoors or a frames-free photo shoot, you deserve a fit that delivers clarity and comfort.

Schedule your contact lens exam at EYES of Crest Bella to see the difference.

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Why Do You Need a Contact Lens Exam?

Your eyes change over time. And when you wear contact lenses, it can mean more frequent changes to your eye’s surface. Regular exams help us catch any potential issues.

During your contact lens exam, we evaluate your eye health, assess your tear film, and measure your eye for a customized fit. We take extra steps because the lens shape and the direct contact with your eyes affect how effective the correction is.

We’re Here to Support Your Lens Wear Success

We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. For example, if you’re not satisfied with the clarity or comfort of your lenses, we want to hear about it so we can make the necessary adjustments. 

Let us know if you need more lenses before your new order arrives. We often have trial pairs in stock and can help you out.

Do you have questions about a new lens technology or want to learn more? We’re always eager to educate.

At EYES of Crest Bella, we apply expertise and personalized strategies to power your success. We’re here to be a part of the solution.

The Benefit of Daily-Wear Lenses

Alcon daily disposable lenses are worth considering as a low-maintenance contact lens option. 

Daily disposable lenses eliminate the need for cleaning and lens care. They’re also healthier for your eyes, reducing your risk of eye infections and dry eyes so you can confidently go about your day. 

And for those living a busy lifestyle, from hitting the gym to running errands, the convenience of daily disposables can’t be beaten.

At EYES of Cresta Bella, we offer these soft disposable lenses so you can experience the benefits firsthand. 

Find A Fit That Wows Your Eyes Today

Every set of eyes is unique, and finding the right contact lenses can be a game-changer. Don’t settle for less than comfortable.

At EYES of Cresta Bella, we’re here to help you find a fit that lets you see the good. Book your contact lens exam today and discover your lens options.

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  • 19739 W Interstate 10 #112
  • San Antonio, TX 78257

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We are located next to PJs Coffee and Home & Patio, across from the Maserati dealership.

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